Saturday, 28 May 2011

Over and In

Thanks Sam for kicking this off - and for you readers for being here.

Are you here? Hello? It's time to hear from you, now that we are about to launch the ultimate E-BOOK - Immediate Interview Success - also known as get the job or your money back (or some such thing). You'll have to wait for the title and the url ... it's coming; really; if you want to be sure you're told, sign up on the box on the right and you will get the very first notice. Plus a freebie that will be in the book. Plus perhaps free access to the book.

Yes, ok, sign up to our mailing list before the end of May 2011 (whatever timezone you're in) and I guarantee to send you the very first copy of our hot off the press ebook, no questions asked, and with a guaranteed listing on our Five High Respect roll of honour.

We're moving from broadcast to listening mode. What are your happiest and unhappiest interview memories - as a job supplicant (aka interviewee) or as an interviewer (yes - you're human too - and we're here to help interviewees get better at what they need to be doing, so you can get on with your day job!).

Come on guys and gals. Talk to us. Any stories featured in future blogs and that feature in revisions of the E-BOOK will earn you our Five High Respect membership deal, an honorary mention on our roll of honour, and of course great discounts (and affiliate deals, if you are so inclined).

Talk to me (Clare) please - let me know that you are there, and what you want from us.

More on the opening deals on the book, for readers of this blog, when Karl does his wonder-work and gets us up and live.

How exciting! We go live - and you get the job. Yeh - win and win. I'd say that that's cool, except that that might date me in terms of lingo. Tell me what to say (as long as it will pass the decency test).

Over and in - Clare

Friday, 27 May 2011

A New Chapter!

We're now moving into a new stage with the Immediate Interview Success project: this week sees the end of the blog in its current form, with thrice-weekly digests -- but I'm pleased to announce that we'll shortly be unveiling the IIS e-book!

So for the moment, it's goodbye from me, Sam -- but I'd like to pass you over to Clare, who'll be taking up the reins as we go forward into an exciting new phase with IIS.

Happy job hunting!

p.s. As the regular posts are on hold for the moment, here are a few links that didn't get included in one of our digests:
  1. thank you tips
  2. pre-interview mistakes
  3. pre-interview tips
  4. networking
  5. resume/CV organisation

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Wednesday Digest: Seminars Galore

Leveraging the power of the internet-based seminar...

Webinars, teleseminars, or whatever -- interacting with job searching specialists online is a great way to fuel your job search. This week, check out the following free online seminars:
  • this seminar on resume writing is today, Wednesday 25 May, 1.30am--2.30am (it's those pesky US time zones again!)
  • or register here for news of an upcoming seminar on using LinkedIn in your job search
  • or register here for another upcoming seminar, also on the subject of resumes/CVs

Monday, 23 May 2011

Monday Digest: Interview Techniques

How to behave in an interview...

Start the week with a selection of links on interview performance: the 'how?' and 'what?' of an interview.

Friday, 20 May 2011 'Saturday' Digest: Questions

This 'Saturday, we're thinking about different job-related questions...

Have a good weekend, everyone.

Feet-Up Friday

The interviewing game...

The first of today's posts (more on that in a minute) takes a light-hearted-but-serious (yes, it can be!) look at the world of job interviews, using a well-known computer game. Part one is here, but do check out the other three parts in the series.

As I'll be away at a friend's wedding this weekend, the usual 'Saturday Digest' will be coming up......

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Wednesday Digest: Interactive Job Searching

Make this week's job search about getting the most out of online media... 

If you do one thing this week, sign up to this free webinar on identifying your strengths: today, Weds 18 May, 8pm EDT (that's midnight GMT, but it's worth staying up for...)

And if you do two things, check out this Twitter chat on acing the interview: today, Wed 18 May, 8pm EST (that's 1am GMT -- it might be a late one tonight!)

Monday, 16 May 2011

Monday Digest: Looking Forward

Looking to the future in your job search...

Start the week by asking yourself the question 'where do I see myself in 5 years?'

This Monday we look at different ways of looking at the job search:

'your job is to find a job'
why career change is like vacation
11 important career tips for 2011

See you on Wednesday!

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Saturday Digest: Job Search

Going through the stages of a job search...

In the second post of the morning, we look at the job searching process from numerous different angles, from...
Also, here are 5 steps you need to take in pursuing a job, and 10 tips for boosting your career.

Happy weekend, all -- normal service will be resumed next week!

Sit-Down Saturday

After some down-time on Blogger yesterday, we're playing catch-up: in the first of today's posts, it's the usual Feet-Up Friday (cunningly renamed).

Here are some funny videos dealing with how not to conduct yourself in an interview:

Have a look at the other videos in the series while you're waiting for the second post of the day...

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Wednesday Digest: Once More Unto the Resume, Dear Friends, Once More

...because it's definitely the most important part of securing a job interview!

In the latest digest we look at a selection of that great resume-related advice that's come our way in recent days and weeks.
Make it stand out.

Finally, in writing a resume you should bear in mind the following questions -- they'll probably be the questions the hiring manager/interviewer will be asking you, too...

Question yourself.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Monday Digest: Make an Impression

What sort of an impression will you make...?

A good one, hopefully:
And here is a good website of resources on the essential subject of body language, so you can make sure you're walking the walk while you talk the talk.

Remember, too, that there are some dos and donts in an interview situation that you want to be looking out for...

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Friday, 6 May 2011

Feet-Up Friday

Ever wondered about the origins of the job interview?

Well they were nothing like this...

Happy Friday, everyone!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Wednesday Digest: Post-Easter Welcome

First digest after Easter...

Welcome back, everyone! Let's start today's digest with some positive news:

The job market is recovering!

What did we miss over Easter? The following themed article is worth a read:

Job search lessons from the Easter Bunny.

Here are some resume tips:
Make sure your resume and cover letter work together...
...and that you 'crack the cover letter code'...
...learn how to talk about your weaknesses...
...but know what to avoid.

And, while we're on the subject of job applications, have a look at this great resource for early-career professionals:

Resume Mascara

Finally, here's a free webinar from the renowned careers coach Kevin Kermes, this Friday, May 6th:

5 Secrets to the Perfect Job Search.