Friday, 27 May 2011

A New Chapter!

We're now moving into a new stage with the Immediate Interview Success project: this week sees the end of the blog in its current form, with thrice-weekly digests -- but I'm pleased to announce that we'll shortly be unveiling the IIS e-book!

So for the moment, it's goodbye from me, Sam -- but I'd like to pass you over to Clare, who'll be taking up the reins as we go forward into an exciting new phase with IIS.

Happy job hunting!

p.s. As the regular posts are on hold for the moment, here are a few links that didn't get included in one of our digests:
  1. thank you tips
  2. pre-interview mistakes
  3. pre-interview tips
  4. networking
  5. resume/CV organisation


  1. Thanks Sam. Way to go. Just watch the space as Interview Success goes live. Keep blogging, keep commenting, we want to know you're still behind us. Five high respect!

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