Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Is your mindset up to scratch?

According to recent research (article in the Financial Times interviewing James Reed, Chairman of the recruiters Reed), 96% of employers choosing between 2 short-listed candidates would choose the one with the required mindset but might lack the complete skillset over the one with the complete skillset but who lacks the desired mindset.

They talk about the 3Gs of mindset: Global, Good, and Grit.

Make sure that you can talk about the impact of your own mindset during the interview.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Get the job or your money back!

Is this cheesy? No. We believe in what we say on the box. So at last ... drum roll ... the e-book is here. Immediate Interview Success. You have an interview. Well done - but that's just the beginning.

The purpose of your CV and your application form/the application letter is to get the interview for the job you've applied for.

The purpose of all that networking - is to get in front of people who have jobs to offer.

Now what? - Now you have to get cracking. This is it/ You have to convince the interviewer/s you are the best person for the job that you are being interviewed for.

Now it's real. So now - what do you have to do? Well - download our ebook on Immediate Interview Success and get to work.

Yes - you have to to work at getting prepared. You'll have to graft to showcase your talents and value to the interviewer/interview panel.

Get a head start by preparing to succeed; failing to prepare is to prepare to fail (corny but true).

Click here - now.