Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Is your mindset up to scratch?

According to recent research (article in the Financial Times interviewing James Reed, Chairman of the recruiters Reed), 96% of employers choosing between 2 short-listed candidates would choose the one with the required mindset but might lack the complete skillset over the one with the complete skillset but who lacks the desired mindset.

They talk about the 3Gs of mindset: Global, Good, and Grit.

Make sure that you can talk about the impact of your own mindset during the interview.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Get the job or your money back!

Is this cheesy? No. We believe in what we say on the box. So at last ... drum roll ... the e-book is here. Immediate Interview Success. You have an interview. Well done - but that's just the beginning.

The purpose of your CV and your application form/the application letter is to get the interview for the job you've applied for.

The purpose of all that networking - is to get in front of people who have jobs to offer.

Now what? - Now you have to get cracking. This is it/ You have to convince the interviewer/s you are the best person for the job that you are being interviewed for.

Now it's real. So now - what do you have to do? Well - download our ebook on Immediate Interview Success and get to work.

Yes - you have to to work at getting prepared. You'll have to graft to showcase your talents and value to the interviewer/interview panel.

Get a head start by preparing to succeed; failing to prepare is to prepare to fail (corny but true).

Click here - now.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Over and In

Thanks Sam for kicking this off - and for you readers for being here.

Are you here? Hello? It's time to hear from you, now that we are about to launch the ultimate E-BOOK - Immediate Interview Success - also known as get the job or your money back (or some such thing). You'll have to wait for the title and the url ... it's coming; really; if you want to be sure you're told, sign up on the box on the right and you will get the very first notice. Plus a freebie that will be in the book. Plus perhaps free access to the book.

Yes, ok, sign up to our mailing list before the end of May 2011 (whatever timezone you're in) and I guarantee to send you the very first copy of our hot off the press ebook, no questions asked, and with a guaranteed listing on our Five High Respect roll of honour.

We're moving from broadcast to listening mode. What are your happiest and unhappiest interview memories - as a job supplicant (aka interviewee) or as an interviewer (yes - you're human too - and we're here to help interviewees get better at what they need to be doing, so you can get on with your day job!).

Come on guys and gals. Talk to us. Any stories featured in future blogs and that feature in revisions of the E-BOOK will earn you our Five High Respect membership deal, an honorary mention on our roll of honour, and of course great discounts (and affiliate deals, if you are so inclined).

Talk to me (Clare) please - let me know that you are there, and what you want from us.

More on the opening deals on the book, for readers of this blog, when Karl does his wonder-work and gets us up and live.

How exciting! We go live - and you get the job. Yeh - win and win. I'd say that that's cool, except that that might date me in terms of lingo. Tell me what to say (as long as it will pass the decency test).

Over and in - Clare

Friday, 27 May 2011

A New Chapter!

We're now moving into a new stage with the Immediate Interview Success project: this week sees the end of the blog in its current form, with thrice-weekly digests -- but I'm pleased to announce that we'll shortly be unveiling the IIS e-book!

So for the moment, it's goodbye from me, Sam -- but I'd like to pass you over to Clare, who'll be taking up the reins as we go forward into an exciting new phase with IIS.

Happy job hunting!

p.s. As the regular posts are on hold for the moment, here are a few links that didn't get included in one of our digests:
  1. thank you tips
  2. pre-interview mistakes
  3. pre-interview tips
  4. networking
  5. resume/CV organisation

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Wednesday Digest: Seminars Galore

Leveraging the power of the internet-based seminar...

Webinars, teleseminars, or whatever -- interacting with job searching specialists online is a great way to fuel your job search. This week, check out the following free online seminars:
  • this seminar on resume writing is today, Wednesday 25 May, 1.30am--2.30am (it's those pesky US time zones again!)
  • or register here for news of an upcoming seminar on using LinkedIn in your job search
  • or register here for another upcoming seminar, also on the subject of resumes/CVs

Monday, 23 May 2011

Monday Digest: Interview Techniques

How to behave in an interview...

Start the week with a selection of links on interview performance: the 'how?' and 'what?' of an interview.

Friday, 20 May 2011

....now: 'Saturday' Digest: Questions

This 'Saturday, we're thinking about different job-related questions...

Have a good weekend, everyone.

Feet-Up Friday

The interviewing game...

The first of today's posts (more on that in a minute) takes a light-hearted-but-serious (yes, it can be!) look at the world of job interviews, using a well-known computer game. Part one is here, but do check out the other three parts in the series.

As I'll be away at a friend's wedding this weekend, the usual 'Saturday Digest' will be coming up......

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Wednesday Digest: Interactive Job Searching

Make this week's job search about getting the most out of online media... 

If you do one thing this week, sign up to this free webinar on identifying your strengths: today, Weds 18 May, 8pm EDT (that's midnight GMT, but it's worth staying up for...)

And if you do two things, check out this Twitter chat on acing the interview: today, Wed 18 May, 8pm EST (that's 1am GMT -- it might be a late one tonight!)

Monday, 16 May 2011

Monday Digest: Looking Forward

Looking to the future in your job search...

Start the week by asking yourself the question 'where do I see myself in 5 years?'

This Monday we look at different ways of looking at the job search:

'your job is to find a job'
why career change is like vacation
11 important career tips for 2011

See you on Wednesday!

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Saturday Digest: Job Search

Going through the stages of a job search...

In the second post of the morning, we look at the job searching process from numerous different angles, from...
Also, here are 5 steps you need to take in pursuing a job, and 10 tips for boosting your career.

Happy weekend, all -- normal service will be resumed next week!

Sit-Down Saturday

After some down-time on Blogger yesterday, we're playing catch-up: in the first of today's posts, it's the usual Feet-Up Friday (cunningly renamed).

Here are some funny videos dealing with how not to conduct yourself in an interview:

Have a look at the other videos in the series while you're waiting for the second post of the day...

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Wednesday Digest: Once More Unto the Resume, Dear Friends, Once More

...because it's definitely the most important part of securing a job interview!

In the latest digest we look at a selection of that great resume-related advice that's come our way in recent days and weeks.
Make it stand out.

Finally, in writing a resume you should bear in mind the following questions -- they'll probably be the questions the hiring manager/interviewer will be asking you, too...

Question yourself.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Monday Digest: Make an Impression

What sort of an impression will you make...?

A good one, hopefully:
And here is a good website of resources on the essential subject of body language, so you can make sure you're walking the walk while you talk the talk.

Remember, too, that there are some dos and donts in an interview situation that you want to be looking out for...

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Friday, 6 May 2011

Feet-Up Friday

Ever wondered about the origins of the job interview?

Well they were nothing like this...

Happy Friday, everyone!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Wednesday Digest: Post-Easter Welcome

First digest after Easter...

Welcome back, everyone! Let's start today's digest with some positive news:

The job market is recovering!

What did we miss over Easter? The following themed article is worth a read:

Job search lessons from the Easter Bunny.

Here are some resume tips:
Make sure your resume and cover letter work together...
...and that you 'crack the cover letter code'...
...learn how to talk about your weaknesses...
...but know what to avoid.

And, while we're on the subject of job applications, have a look at this great resource for early-career professionals:

Resume Mascara

Finally, here's a free webinar from the renowned careers coach Kevin Kermes, this Friday, May 6th:

5 Secrets to the Perfect Job Search.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Wednesday Digest: Easter All-Sorts

In the last IIS article before a two-week break, we include a bumper crop of links for you to feast your job-hungry eyes on...

There's no theme to the final pre-Easter article on IIS: before a two-week break, we think it's important that you get your hands on all the articles that we've trawled the internet for over the past couple of weeks, but haven't yet included in an IIS digest.

To start with, there are some interesting thoughts on using MBTI (for more information on just what this means, click here) in your job search.
Next, think about who could be googling you...
There's advice on building your career, here and here.
And ideas on how to create a 'master resume' here.
When it comes to the interview itself, think about making the best impression possible and listening emotionally to your interviewers.
And have a look at what can be learned about an interview from a completely different arena...
Here are some useful tips on how not to approach your next job interview.
And from the great Career Rocketeer, here are three excellent articles on the job search.

Finally, here a couple of free webinars, on body language in the interview room, on Tuesday the 26th of April and building your network for career success, on Friday the 29th.

Have relaxing and enjoyable Easter break, everyone, and I look forward to carrying on helping out with the job search when I return in a couple of weeks.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Monday Digest: Banish Mistakes

Avoiding negativity at the start of the week...

Today's digest focuses on some of the mistakes that can be made during the job interview process, so that you're ready to side-step these potential pitfalls.

Finally, it's not a mistake as such, but looking nervous is a no-no in your interview: read this article for some good advice on confident self-presentation.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Saturday Digest: Taking Stock

In today's digest, take a step back and assess your career...
As entrepreneur -- and 'Dragon' -- Deborah Meadon said this week, talking about job searching, 'often the best things come out of really difficult times'. Is now the time for you to grab the bull by the horns and do what you've always wanted to do?

Friday, 15 April 2011

Feet-Up Friday

Take it easy...

This Friday, here are a list of things you really want to avoid saying in an interview.

Interview no-nos

And because Friday wouldn't be complete without a video clip, here's what the last line reminded me of. 'I'd have got away with it, if it weren't for you meddling kids...'

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Wednesday Digest: After the Interview

The interview doesn't stop when you leave the room...

The IIS e-book -- coming soon -- will have a whole section devoted to what to do after the interview. For the moment, take a look at the following links.

Firstly, here's an overview of what you need to do, post-interview.

Then, what's involved in a follow-up call? See here.

And what about writing a thank-you note? We've got that covered.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Monday, 11 April 2011

Monday Digest: Positive Thinking

Start the week with a positive mindset...

Today's first link is about 'building a mindset of success': essential as you embark on/continue with your job search:
It may be possible to find a job without even looking (or knowing you're looking):
And remember to keep in mind the need to present and promote yourself well at every opportunity:
Come back on Wednesday for more articles and news.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Saturday Digest: Inspiration

Inspiring you on your job search...

What inspires you? Whose approach to life do you admire, and why? Here are two inspirational stories, with some useful careers advice attached:

Scotty McCreery
Sam Pointon

Happy Saturday, everyone. More careers digests next week...

Friday, 8 April 2011

Feet-Up Friday

An inspirational video...

After last week's excerpt from The Pursuit of Happyness -- and in advance of a digest on the subject of inspiration, tomorrow -- here are even more film clips to inspire you to begin that job search!

19 Inspirational Speeches

See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Wednesday Digest: Applications

The latest list of articles on designing a killer application...
We've covered this topic several times before (here, here, here, here, here, here, and here), but there's a reason for that -- it's an essential part of the interview process.

Here, then, are some links to information on your application:
(Also, remember the importance of the accompanying cover letter.)

Monday, 4 April 2011

Monday Digest: Job Searching

Starting the week with some information on the job search...

The key areas to focus on when searching for a job are fairly limited -- all these lists cover the same sorts of points, but in slightly different ways:
 Finally, put all this into practice with a list of 11 websites to help with the job search.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Saturday Digest: Making Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. How can you avoid doing so when it matters...?

When does it matter? Today's digest focuses on top 5 lists of mistakes in three essential areas of the job search. Look out for the following:

5 networking mistakes
5 resume mistakes
5 cover letter mistakes

Happy weekend, everyone! More digests and links next week.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Feet-Up Friday

The Pursuit of Happyness...

Today's FuF is a short inspirational clip from a great film:

'Don't ever let someone tell you you can't do something.'

What's your dream?

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Wednesday Digest: Women in Work

All about job searching -- and finding -- from a female perspective...

This Wednesday's digest is unashamedly biased, focusing on 50% of the workforce:
If you're interested in more from an XX-chromosome perspective, the last site -- excelle.monster.com -- is useful, as are sites such as mscareergirl.com and http://www.pinkskills.co.uk/.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Monday Digest: 3, 4, 5...

Let's start the week with a few more lists...

This time, though, they're not 'top 10s' -- check out the following 3, 4, 5 lists covering your work history, ways of leaving your old job gracefully, and what to do while you wait to hear back after an interview.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Saturday Digest: Job Hunt Tips

Today's digest presents job hunting tips...

Whether it's the inside story from head-hunting professionals or ideas on using Twitter as a job search tool, this morning's focus is on helping you take control of the job search.

Tips from the professionals.
General hints and tips.
Twitter as a job search 'Twool'...

Have a good weekend, all!

Friday, 25 March 2011

Feet-Up Friday

'This interview is not going how I imagined it would.'

Some light relief for a Friday!

The Interview
And, from the same series, here's another example of an unexpected job interview.

More job-hunting tips in tomorrow's digest.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Wednesday Digest: The Unexpected

In today's digest, we look at some unexpected responses to standard questions about the job searching process...

Does the cover letter matter? More than you think.
Doesn't my resume/CV have to be perfect? Not really.
Isn't networking all about putting yourself out there, selling yourself to others, and getting them to help you in your career? Not all the time, no.
And isn't personal branding incredibly important? Well, yes and no.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Monday Digest: Top 10s

Start the week with some good old-fashioned 'top 10' lists...

Everyone loves a Top 10 -- records, videos, footballing mistakes...whatever the subject, seeing someone else's take on narrowing down a particular area can be fascinating.

Have a look at the following:

Top 10 Job Hunt Mistakes
Top 10 Career Boost Tips

And also -- ok, ok, it's not a top 10, but it's a useful article anyway -- how about this:

Top 7 Job Search Methods

Friday, 18 March 2011

'Saturday Digest': Career Change

In today's second instalment, we look at changing your career...

Here are some interesting links on changing your career:

Job Opportunities
Career Change: Easy Steps

While you're at it, check out the following training session from Kevin Kermes (mentioned in today's 'Feet-Up Friday'):

5 Job Search Secrets

A happy weekend to all our readers. Check back next week for more digests and articles.

Feet-Up Friday

A bumper crop today: the usual 'Feet-Up Friday' is followed by a 'Saturday Digest', 24 hours early. We're spoiling you...

Today's 'Feet-Up Friday' was inspired by the following post from Kevin Kermes, founder of the US firm Career Attraction:

It's a great read, but on a Friday what we want is a more light-hearted take on the subject...so have a look at the following from the Second City Network:

(Their 'Completely Honest...' series is pretty good, if you've got half an hour spare this lunchtime!)

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The 5 'P's

In the latest in a series of original blog posts, we look at the specifics of what you need to put across at interview. Things always look more manageable when we break them down into smaller chunks -- the question is, how do we do this with a job application?

Approaching a job interview is a daunting prospect. What are they going to expect from you?

There are a thousand and one things you can do to prepare yourself for the interview, but the good -- or bad -- news is that there’s not a lot you can do about the interviewers’ expectations of you...

So, more importantly, what do you want from them?

Think about what you need: a precise idea of what you want from a job, so that you can go into an interview confident that this is the job you really want.

Broken down into manageable chunks, your application needs to consist of your responses to 5 important factors:

Performance           ~ what exactly can you do? What skills do you want to be able to
                                  showcase in a job?

People                     ~ whom do you want to be working with? Whether it’s the clients or
                                  customers you want to serve, the colleagues you’d like to work
                                  alongside, or your ideal boss, the ‘who’ of your intended job is
                                  very important.

Place                       ~ where do you want to be working?
~ what speed do you want to be working at? (These ‘P’s go together --
                                  they focus on the environment or atmosphere of your ideal workplace.)

Proposition             ~ the most important factor: what is your pitch to the company? What
                                  are your unique selling points? What do you have that other people
                                  lack, and that this company needs?

If the situation at the job you’re applying for doesn’t match any one of these factors, you need to do some serious thinking: is this the right job for you?

If not, however impressive your CV or resume is, and however much experience you have, you may just be wasting their time -- and, more importantly, wasting yours!

Wednesday Digest: Standing Out

In today's digest, we cover ways in which you can stand out from the job-hunting crowd...

With the busy state of the current job market, you'll want to make sure your application doesn't blend in with everyone else's. But how do you go about doing this?

Make your resume stand out -- and don't forget about the visuals...

Also, consider harnessing the power of social media technologies. If you haven't done so already, think about the following:

Don't forget the teleseminar on Personal Branding, with Chris Perry and Dorothy Tannahill-Moran, which starts at the not-so-UK-friendly time of 00:30 tonight. To register, visit the link here.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Monday Digest: Difficult Interview Questions

Preparing for the difficult, demanding, and downright weird...

To start the week, we deal with those tricky -- though perfectly viable -- questions that may come up in your interview. You'll want to have an answer prepared for these:

And what about those questions you really don't want to be asked?

Bizarre interview questions...

Come back later in the week for more digests and a more in-depth look at a particular aspect of the application process.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Saturday Digest: It's Resume Time, Again

What to do with your resume or CV, both before and after you submit it...

What can you do with your job application to give it a new lease of life?
And what shouldn't you do?
Finally, think about the effectiveness of your resume or CV, in terms of the interest you generate:
Come back next week for more digests and articles on the interviewing experience, and don't forget to sign up to our email list to receive your free copy of the IIS phone communication checklist.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Feet-Up Friday

Looking in an unusual direction for some career inspiration...

Our light-hearted Friday post this week was inspired by this article:

What Would Lady Gaga Do?

So, in the spirit of the Powerful Purpose article, here are a few examples of interviews given by powerfully branded music (super)stars for you to think about when considering your own branding!

Jay Z

And, of course, Lady Gaga herself...

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

'How to Brand Yourself...'

Advance warning, here for a free teleseminar next Wednesday, March 16. For more information, click here.

The seminar should be well worth the entrance fee (ha, ha) -- it's hosted by renowned careers coach Dorothy Tannahill-Moran, and careers and branding consultant (and founder of the ever-useful CareerRocketeer) Chris Perry.

Wednesday Digest: Self-Presentation

Presenting yourself in the run-up to an interview...

One key way of doing this is through the classic 'elevator pitch'. What is an 'elevator pitch'? Read more on its application in the sales world here, and then look at the following articles for ways in which you can apply this concept as you prepare to sell yourself:

What would your elevator pitch be? How would you tailor it to different situations? What about if you only had 2 minutes to interview for your dream job?

Thinking about these sorts of questions can prepare you for the high-pressure job interview environment: you may not only have 2 minutes to sell yourself, but it'll be good practice...

Monday, 7 March 2011

Monday Digest: Job Search Strategies

Things to consider before you start that job search...

Searching for a job sometimes means dealing with the fact that you have lost a job. But rather than seeing this as a chance to bemoan your fate, see this as an opportunity for motivation. And don't worry: you are not alone in looking for a new job.

Consider changing the approach you take to searching for a job: how could you be doing things differently? Make sure, too, that you avoid these 'killer' mistakes.

Best of luck in your job search; come back on Wednesday for a digest focusing on how to present yourself when you're on the lookout -- and interviewing -- for a new job.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Saturday Digest: Leveraging Technology

Finishing the week with a look at using new technologies in your job search...

Have you thought about a 'networking resume'?
Would a personal website be useful to you?
What about your social media profile?

Remember to sign up to our email list and receive your exclusive copy of the IIS Communication Checklist, and come back here next week for more useful job search information.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Email Subscribers Exclusive

As indicated on the right-hand side of the page, everyone who signs up to the IIS email list will receive their own printable Phone Communication Checklist completely free. It's perfect for phone interviews, pre-interview screenings, and the like, and covers much more ground than similar posts on the blog. 

We hope you find it useful!

Feet-Up Friday

'Alternative' careers...

This week's Feet-Up Friday is a departure from the usual videos: we provide this list of jobs that you -- in all likelihood -- won't be rushing out to interview for!

Dangerous jobs.

There'll be the usual digest tomorrow, and more next week. Also, watch out for an exclusive for our email list subscribers...

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Wednesday Digest: The X Factors

In the latest digest we look at important qualities you'll need to display in the job hunt, as well as ability and intelligence...

Firstly, there's personal 'drive': how to stay self-motivated.
You'll need some ideas about the future: successful career planning.
Then, obviously, there's hard work: what's more important than being smart?
Finally, you'll need a good spell checker! Or, at the very least, a double-check of your resume...

Monday, 28 February 2011

Monday Digest: Job Search

Kicking off the week with a look at improving your job searching...

A post from the end of last year on speeding up your job search.
Followed by an article written this month on improving those job searching techniques.
Finally, if in doubt, break the rules!

How Can Your Passion Land You a Job?

First off this week, here's a link to our Career Rocketeer article on the subject of passion in the job search. Get it while it's hot!

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Saturday Digest: Exploring Your Options

In this week's Saturday digest, we take a look at the possible scenarios, post-interview...

There are three basic outcomes to an interview:
  1. you don't get the job,
  2. you're offered the job and accept,
  3. you're offered the job but you turn it down.
For the last digest of the week, here are 3 articles that deal with those specific situations:
  1. Job Interview Autopsy
  2. Questions About Job Culture
  3. Why Turn Down a Job Offer?
Finally, look out for an article appearing with CareerRocketeer this weekend -- this is why I haven't been posting here more frequently than the usual digests! Normal service will be resumed next week.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Feet-Up Friday

Several interviews in one...

This week's FUF takes a single interview and includes many different answers, with Family-Fortunes-style sound effects. Some of the 'positive' answers aren't actually that helpful, but it's quite fun to watch:

Bizarre interview

Happy Friday, and check back tomorrow for the last digest of the week.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Wednesday Digest: Getting Started

What to do to make sure your job search really gets off the ground...

1. Stop being a job voyeur! Lurking won't get you a job.
2. Stop procrastinating. Easier said than done -- which is sort of the point...
3. What do you need to do before you think about getting an interview? Here are some recommendations.
4. Finally, think about promoting yourself: what are your marketable job skills?

Monday, 21 February 2011


Years of experience behind you, yet can't get into the job you want? Finished schooling, only to find out no one's that interested in your academic success?

Here's a heads-up for all job-seekers who've had a response along the lines of 'we think you're great, but you're just overqualified for this position'. TeneoTalent are offering the following:

Free webinar, Wednesday 23 February 2011.

It starts at 4pm GMT. Do come back here afterwards and let us know how it goes!

Monday Digest: Thinking About the Job You Want

This week, start by considering your motivation for job searching...

While many people just want a job -- any job -- you don't want to come across as desperate in the interview room. So do some thinking about the sort of job that you're looking for, so you have an answer about this ready for when the interview panel ask the inevitable 'why do you want to work here/in this industry' question.

Firstly, where are you looking for your ideal job? This article discusses the 'hidden job market'. 
Think about what it is you really want to be doing. What is your 'career calling'
Finally, here are some thoughts on getting a job to drive you forward in your job search. Happy hunting! 

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Saturday Digest: More Resumés/CVs

Today's digest sees IIS return to a popular topic for job-seekers...

This Saturday, we think more about how to brand yourself and your resumé or CV. Remember, an interview is, ultimately, about selling a product: you.

Are you thinking about a resumé interview to help you write your resumé? 
Some techniques for using social media marketing in your resumé.*
Finally, here are some thoughts on personal branding. 

Check back next week for more specially written articles and regular digests.

*If you're interested in thinking more about the power of social networks in your working life, do read our Academy28 blog post on the topic, here.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Feet-Up Friday

Three different ways to answer a fairly standard question...

These are from a series called 'The GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY', focusing on job interviews. (There are plenty more -- why not spend a Friday half-hour taking a look? If you can bear listening to the saccharine/contrived/ridiculous voiceovers that get played at the end of each one, that is...)

The GOOD answer.
The BAD answer.
The UGLY answer.

(Apologies for the spelling of some of the subtitles -- not their strong point!)

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Six Tips: What Comes Before the Phone Interview?

In a more in-depth look at the world of careers than that of the regular digest, we look at 'pre-communication communication'...

It's all very well being prepared for an interview conducted over the phone, or making sure that you know how to behave in the interview room, but what if someone at the company you're applying to calls you beforehand, to check you can make an interview time, or confirm an offer, or for a pre-interview 'screening'?

If you're actively involved in a job search, you need to be aware that this could happen at any time -- you always need to be on your guard...

So keep the following things in mind:
  1. Never allow a potential interviewer to know s/he is interrupting your work. If you are too busy to answer the phone, don't do so until you can give it your full and dedicated attention.
  2. Don't answer the phone when you're upset or angry. If you don't recognise the number, it might be that important call -- it's better to miss the immediate opportunity of speaking to a potential employer than blow a long-term opportunity by coming over aggressive or depressed.
  3. Having said that, make sure you return all calls promptly! You don't want a reputation for tardiness before you've even been interviewed...
  4. A potential interviewer doesn't want to know what you're doing, right now, even if you're actually engaged in some pre-interview research -- you want to come across as enthusiastic, but not pushy or needy.
  5. Conversely, if you're asked about your life, don't 'clam up' and refuse to talk about yourself: if you are asked to say more about yourself, the potential employer wants to know you're a communicative, engaging individual, not just a voice attached to a CV.
  6. Finally, treat the caller with respect -- that means using appropriate language and vocabulary. Choose your words carefully: if in doubt, leave it out.
Remember, any incoming call could be a potential job, screening, or invitation -- so answer the phone wisely!

Wednesday Digest: Unusual Jobs

Today's digest is all about new and unusual jobs...

Why are you in business?
What unusual jobs do other people do?
Read about the 10 best jobs of 2011. 

What's the reasoning behind the job you want?

Monday, 14 February 2011

Monday Digest: Communication

Starting the week with some tips on presenting yourself and relating to others...

This site has lots of general communication tips.
And here are some ideas for dealing with phone interviews.
Finally, for those of you with an MBA/HR background, this article is worth a read.

(If you have no interest in HR and you want to see more information from other sectors, why not leave a recommendation in the comments?)

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Saturday Digest: Thinking Graphically

Giving your CV/resumé a visual or online twist...

To start with, here's an interesting article on a possible development in the tried-and-tested CV format:

Will Your Next CV Be an Infographic?

And how about leveraging another form of technology?

Your Facebook Resumé

Finally, while this may not be particularly relevant to you if graphic design isn't your industry, it may give you some ideas about just what to do to elevate your CV/Resumé above the 'herd':

Creative CVs/Resumés

Have a good weekend, and do drop in next week: as well as an exclusive 'teaser' from the IIS e-book, we'll be expanding the blog to include full-length articles on top of the regular digests.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Feet-Up Friday

Take a break from work, and let us show you how not to tackle an interview...

After last week's Monty Python sketch, the second Feet-Up Friday is another video about less-than-perfect interviews, although this time it's those being interviewed who behave inappropriately...take a look for yourself:

How Not to Handle Interview Questions

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Wednesday Digest: Audiovisual Resources

Want an alternative to static internet sites and impersonal lists of tips?

Today's digest is all about 'sounding out' the options for podcasts and webinars focused on interviews:

(in the UK)

Guardian Careers
~ a directory of podcasts from the Guardian online

Secretarial Careers: Podcasts and Vodcasts
~ some useful links on body language in interviews and tailoring a CV

Stopgap Marketing
~ in their own words, 'marketing talk and careers advice'

~ 'The Secret Jobhunt' is a useful source of information

(in the US)

Job Talk Radio
~ a weekly radio show from Northeast Connecticut

Two Geeks and a Girl
~ a light-hearted look at careers

And finally: we've linked to them before, but the folks at Career Realism are worth taking another look at it. Here, there's a list of free career-focused webinars, the first of which starts this evening, Wednesday 9 February, 6pm GMT:

Career Realism Webinars

Monday, 7 February 2011

Monday Digest: Interview Behaviour

Starting the week with some thoughts about how to behave in the interview room...

And an interesting article on stress in the interview room:

The IIS digest will be back on Wednesday. Recommendations of your own? Add them in the comments.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Saturday Digest: Resumés/CVs

Rounding off the week with another set of useful links...

Today's digest is all about resumés or CVs. The following links address various aspects of this tricky subject:


Have a good weekend, everyone -- come back on Monday for the latest IIS digest.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Feet-Up Friday

A more light-hearted look at the interviewing world...

Instead of the usual IIS digest, celebrate the fact it's Friday with a not-so-serious look at the world of careers and job interviews. This week, it's the tried-and-trusted Monty Python gang, from long before John Cleese had sold his soul to the AA advertising devil:

What not to expect from a job interview!

There'll be another digest tomorrow, and look out for a 'teaser' from the e-book, coming soon.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Are you feeling lucky? How can you make your life happier?

One action you can take, right now, is go and check out the Switch to Success website - the website for The Book of Luck: Brilliant Ideas for Creating Your Own Success and Making Life Go Your Way and The Book of Happiness: Brilliant Ideas to Transform Your Life, co-authored by Heather Summers and Anne Watson.

On the Switch to Success website you can do the Luck and Happiness Questionnaires to find out just how lucky or happy you are. You will receive an immediate email with a personal feedback profile which will also give you tips on how to improve different aspects of your life. The really good news is that all of this is a *free* resource for anyone visiting this site. While you are there, why not check out the Downloads page where you will find interesting articles and tips free of charge?

You can also sign up to receive Switch to Success ezines that are sent out occasionally.

The Luck Questionnaire

With this Questionnaire, you will discover more ways to make your life luckier than it already is. Thousands of people have already completed it and have gone on to find out how to create their own luck through the brilliant ideas to be found in The Book of Luck.

The Happiness Questionnaire

By completing this Questionnaire, you will receive new insights into how to make your life happier in every way. Read The Book of Happiness if you are really serious about bringing more happiness into your life!

Wednesday Digest: Interview Tips

The latest installment of the IIS digest...

Thinking of changing career?
All about the job questions you want answering
Branding yourself (no red-hot pokers in sight)

As always, do get in touch with your own recommendations.

Monday, 31 January 2011

Monday Digest: Career Resources

Not just marketing a new product...

As well as launching a product that's guaranteed to bring you interview success, we want to make this blog a source for useful careers information. So regular posts will link to useful sites, authors, or articles -- like these:

Your Five Best Bets for a Career Change Resume
How Not to Sabotage a Job Interview
How to Handle Being Interviewed by the CEO

Do you have any recommendations? Feel free to comment below with sites or articles you've found useful.


Interview coming up? Want to ace it? Read on...

Is it your New Year's resolution to turn your working life around? 2011 sees the launch of 'Immediate Interview Success', an e-book that meets head-on the challenges of difficult career progression and limited job opportunities.

Learn more about:
  • preparing for an interview, both physically and mentally
  • what to say, wear, and do
  • how to build instant chemistry
  • relaxing yourself and taking charge of the situation.

Watch this space for more details, trailers and excerpts.